Investor Relations

Announcements and Reports

2024.09.13List of Directors and Their Roles and Functions 
2024.09.13Appointment of Executive Director 
2024.08.22Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 22 August 2024 
2024.07.17Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2024.07.17Circular - Proposals for (1) General Mandates to issue and Repurchase Shares; (2) Re-election of Retiring Directors; and Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2024.07.17Proxy Form for use at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 22 August 2024 at 10:00 A.M 
2024.06.25Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2024 
2024.06.13Profit Warning 
2024.06.13Date of Board Meeting 
2024.01.19New Arrangements on Dissemination of Corporate Communications 
2023.11.15Interim Dividend for the six months ended 30 September 2023 (UPDATED) 
2023.11.08Interim Dividend for the six months ended 30 September 2023 
2023.11.08Interim Results Announcement for the six months ended 30 September 2023 
2023.11.02Clarification and Supplemental Announcement In Relation To 2022/23 Annual Report 
2023.10.27Profit Warning 
2023.10.27Date of Board Meeting 
2023.08.04Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 4 August 2023 
2023.07.05Notification Letter - Notice of publication of Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2022/23 
2023.07.05Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2023.07.05Proxy Form for use at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 4 August 2023 at 10:00 A.M. 
2023.07.05Circular - Proposals for (1) Declaration of Final Dividend and Special Dividend; (2) General Mandates to issue and Repurchase Shares; (3) Re-election of Retiring Directors; (4) Adoption of New Share Option Scheme and New Share Award Plan; and Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2023.06.19Proposed adoption of New Share Option Scheme and New Share Award Plan 
2023.06.19Special Dividend 
2023.06.19Final Dividend for the year ended 31 March 2023 
2023.06.19Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2023 
2023.06.07Date of Board Meeting 
2023.01.11Grant of Share Options 
2023.01.04Next Day Disclosure Return 
2022.12.23List of Directors and Their Roles and Functions 
2022.12.19Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors 
2022.12.15Grant of Share Options 
2022.12.15List of Directors and Their Roles and Functions 
2022.12.15(1) Appointment of an Executive Director; (2) Resignation and Appointment of Independent Non-Executive Directors; and (3) Changes of Members of Board Committees 
2022.11.11Interim Dividend for the six months ended 30 September 2022 
2022.11.11Interim Results Announcement for the six months ended 30 September 2022 
2022.11.07Positive Profit Alert 
2022.11.01Date of Board Meeting 
2022.08.29Notification Letter - Notice of publication of Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021/22 
2022.08.17Inside Information - Unaudited Financial Data for the Three Months ended 30 June 2022 
2022.08.07List of Directors and their Roles and Functions 
2022.08.07Retirement of an Executive Director 
2022.08.05Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association 
2022.08.05(1) Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 5 August 2022 and (2) Adoption of the Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association 
2022.07.28Change of Address of Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office in Hong Kong 
2022.07.04Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2022.07.04Proxy Form for use at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 5 August 2022 at 10:00 A.M. 
2022.07.04Circular-Proposals for (1) Declaration of Final Dividend; (2) General Mandates to issue and Repurchase Shares; (3) Re-election of Retiring Directors; and (4) Admendments to Existing M&A and Adoption of Amended M&A and Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2022.06.23Final Dividend for the year ended 31 March 2022 
2022.06.23Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2022 
2022.06.13Date of Board Meeting 
2022.06.02Profit Warning and Business Update 
2022.05.26Special Interim Dividend 
2022.05.26Declaration and Payment of a Special Interim Dividend and Closure of Register of Members 
2022.05.16Notice of Board Meeting and Proposed Declaration and Payment of a Special Interim Dividend 
2021.11.12Interim Dividend for the six months ended 30 September 2021 
2021.11.12Interim Results Announcement for the six months ended 30 September 2021 
2021.11.02Date of Board Meeting 
2021.07.29Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 29 July 2021 
2021.07.23Voluntary Announcement in Relation to Acquisition of Land Use Rights in Nanning, Guangxi Province, The PRC 
2021.06.28Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2021.06.28Proxy Form for use at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 29 July 2021 at 10:00A.M. 
2021.06.28Circular-Proposals for (1) Declaration of Final Dividend; (2) General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares; (3) Re-election of Retiring Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2021.06.18Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2021 
2021.06.09Supplemental Announcement (I) Connected Transactions - Sale of a Property Unit and a Car Parking Space; and (II) Discloseable Transaction - Acquisition of a Property 
2021.06.07Date of Board Meeting 
2021.06.02Discloseable Transaction in Relation to Acquisition of a Property 
2021.05.31Connected Transaction - Sale of a Property Unit 
2021.05.20Positive Profit Alert 
2021.05.14Declaration and Payment of a Special Interim Dividend and Closure of Register of Members 
2021.05.04Notice of Board Meeting and Proposed Declaration and Payment of a Special Interim Dividend 
2021.01.25Connected Transaction - Disposal of a Car Parking Space 
2020.11.13Interim Results Announcement for the six months ended 30 September 2020 
2020.11.03Date of Board Meeting 
2020.08.17Next Day Disclosure Return 
2020.07.28Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares Commencement of Dealings in Shares on an Ex-entitlement Basis 
2020.07.27Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 27 July 2020 
2020.07.02Voluntary Announcement - Acquisition of Land 
2020.06.23Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2020.06.23Proxy Form for use at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 27 July 2020 at 10:00A.M. 
2020.06.23Circular-Proposals for (1) Declaration of Final Dividend; (2) Issue of Bonus Shares; (3) General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares; (4) Re-election of Retiring Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2020.06.05Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2020 
2020.05.29Profit Warning 
2020.05.25Date of Board Meeting 
2020.03.19Declaration and Payment of a Special Interim Dividend and Closure of Register of Members 
2020.03.09Notice of Board Meeting and Proposed Declaration and Payment of a Special Interim Dividend 
2020.01.20Connected Transaction-Acquisition of the Entire Equity Interest and Sale Loan of the Target Company 
2019.11.15Interim Results Announcement for the six months ended 30 September 2019 
2019.11.05Date of Board Meeting 
2019.07.26Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 26 July 2019 
2019.06.25Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2019.06.25Proxy Form for use at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 26 July 2019 at 10:00A.M. 
2019.06.25Proposals for (1) Declaration of Final Dividend; (2) General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares; (3) Re-election of Retiring Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2019.06.25Change of Address of Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office in Hong Kong 
2019.06.06Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2019 
2019.05.27Change of Headquater and Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong 
2019.05.27Date of Board Meeting 
2019.03.08Voluntary Announcement - Recent Successful Bidding of Construction Contract 
2019.03.01Poll Result of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 1 March 2019 
2019.02.13Proxy Form for use at the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 1 March 2019 at 10:00 A.M. 
2019.02.13Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
2019.02.13Connected Transaction - Disposal of a Property and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
2019.01.22Connected Transaction - Disposal of a Property 
2019.01.02Terms of Reference of Audit Committee 
2018.11.09Interim Results Announcement for the Six Months Ended 30 September 2018 
2018.10.30Date of Board Meeting 
2018.07.26Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 26 July 2018 
2018.06.25Form of Proxy for use at the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday, 26 July 2018 at 10:00 A.M. 
2018.06.25Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2018.06.25Proposals for (1) Declaration of Final Dividend; (2) General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares; (3) Re-election of Retiring Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2018.06.11Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2018 
2018.05.30Date of Board Meeting 
2017.12.18Discloseable Transaction in relation to Acquisition of Properties 
2017.11.16Inside Information - Offer Letter in relation to a Possible Acquisition 
2017.11.09Interim Results Announcement for the Six Months Ended 30 September 2017 
2017.11.01Profit Warning 
2017.10.30Date of Board Meeting 
2017.08.30Discloseable Transaction in relation to Acquisition of Property 
2017.08.11Next Day Disclosure Return - Changes in Issued Share Capital 
2017.07.27Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares - Commencement of Dealings in the Shares on an Ex-entitlement Basis 
2017.07.26Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 26 July 2017 
2017.06.26Proxy Form for use at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 26 July 2017 at 10:00 A.M. 
2017.06.26Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2017.06.26Proposals for (1)Bonus Issue of Shares on the basis of one Bonus Share for every ten Existing Shares held on the Record Date; (2) General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares; (3) Re-election of Retiring Directors and Notice of AGM 
2017.06.01Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2017 
2017.05.26Profit Warning 
2017.05.19Date of Board Meeting 
2017.04.11Change of name of Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Office in the Cayman Islands 
2016.11.08Interim Results Announcement for the Six Months ended 30 September 2016 
2016.10.28Profit Warning 
2016.10.27Date of Board Meeting 
2016.08.16Next Day Disclosure Return - Changes in Issued Share Capital 
2016.08.01Arrangements for Lodging Transfer of Shares for Entitlement to the Final Dividend and Bonus Shares upon Issuance of Typhoon Signals and / or Black Rainstorm Warning 
2016.07.29Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares - Commencement of Dealings in the Shares on an Ex-entitlement Basis 
2016.07.28Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 28 July 2016 
2016.06.21Proxy Form for use at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 28 July 2016 at 10:00A.M. 
2016.06.21Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2016.06.21Proposed (1)Bonus Issue of Shares on the basis of One Bonus Share for every Ten Existing Shares held on the Record Date;(2)General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares;(3)Re-election of the Retiring Directors and Notice of AGM 
2016.06.21Major Transaction - Acquisition of Land by Public Tender 
2016.06.07Discloseable Transaction in relation to Acquisition of Properties 
2016.06.02Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2016 
2016.06.01Major Acquisition - Acquisition of Land by Public Tender 
2016.05.23Date of Board Meeting 
2016.03.14Success in the Bid for Construction Contract 
2016.01.28Change of Auditor 
2016.01.18Terms of Reference of Audit Committee 
2015.12.17Next Day Disclosure Return - Changes in Issued Share Capital 
2015.12.01Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares - Commencement of Dealings in the Shares on an Ex-entitlement Basis 
2015.11.17Interim Results Announcement for the Six Months ended 30 September 2015 
2015.11.17Poll Result of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 17 November 2015 
2015.11.05Date of Board Meeting 
2015.10.30Proxy Form for the Extraordinary General Meeting on 17 November 2015 
2015.10.30Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
2015.10.30Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares on the basis of One Bonus Share for Every Ten Existing Shares held on the Record Date and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
2015.09.18Change of Headquarter and Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong 
2015.09.17Termination of Existing Continuing Connected Transaction 
2015.08.12Next Day Disclosure Return - Changes in Issued Share Capital 
2015.08.03Success in the Bid for Construction Contract 
2015.07.24Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares - Commencement of Dealings in the Shares on an Ex-entitlement Basis 
2015.07.23Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 23 July 2015 
2015.06.22Proxy Form for Use at the Annual General Meeting to be Held on 23 July 2015 at 10:00 A.M. 
2015.06.22Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2015.06.22Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares on the Basis of One Bonus Share for Every Ten Existing Shares Held on the Record Date, General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue Shares, Re-election of Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2015.06.02Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2015 
2015.05.20Date of Board Meeting 
2015.01.21Voluntary Announcement in Relation to Acquisition of The Target 
2014.12.18Next Day Disclosure Return - Changes in Issued Share Capital 
2014.11.17Interim Results Announcement For The Six Months Ended 30 September 2014 
2014.11.17Poll Results of The Extraordinary General Meeting held on 17 November 2014 
2014.11.05Date of Board Meeting 
2014.10.30Proxy Form for the Extraordinary General Meeting on 17 November 2014 
2014.10.30Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
2014.10.30Proposal for Bonus Shares Issue and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
2014.10.27Positive Profit Alert 
2014.09.22Next Day Disclosure Returns 
2014.08.28Change in Board Lot Size 
2014.08.13Final Dividend for The Year Ended 31 March 2014 - Election Form 
2014.08.13Scrip Dividend Scheme in relation to The Final Dividend for The Year Ended 31 March 2014 
2014.08.11Success in the Bid for Construction Contract 
2014.07.31Poll Results of The Annual General Meeting held on 31 July 2014 
2014.06.30Proxy Form for use in 2014 Annual General Meeting (or any adjournment thereof) 
2014.06.30Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2014.06.30Proposals for Bonus Shares Issue, General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue Shares, Re-election of Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting 
2014.06.03Annual Results Announcement For The Year Ended 31 March 2014 
2014.05.21Date of Board Meeting 
2014.04.28Positive Profit Alert 
2014.03.14Change of Address of Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office 
2013.12.11Unusual Price and Trading Volume Movements 
2013.11.17Interim Results Announcement For The Six Months Ended 30 September 2013 
2013.11.05Date of Board Meeting 
2013.09.02End of Stabilisation Period and Lapse of Over-Allotment Option 
2013.08.08Announcements and Notices - [Allotment Results] SHARE OFFER 
2013.07.30Listing Documents - [PUBLIC OFFER - YELLOW FORM] 
2013.07.30Listing Documents - [PUBLIC OFFER - WHITE FORM] 
2013.07.30Listing Documents - [SHARE OFFER] 
2013.07.30Announcements and Notices - [Formal Notice] 
2024.10.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20240930 
2024.09.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20240831 
2024.08.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20240731 
2024.07.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20240630 
2024.06.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20240531 
2024.05.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20240430 
2024.04.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20240331 
2024.03.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20240229 
2024.02.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20240131 
2024.01.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20231231 
2023.12.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20231130 
2023.11.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20231031 
2023.10.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20230930 
2023.09.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20230831 
2023.08.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20230731 
2023.07.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20230630 
2023.06.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20230531 
2023.05.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20230430 
2023.04.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20230331 
2023.03.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20230228 
2023.02.06Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20230131 
2023.01.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20221231 
2022.12.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20221130 
2022.11.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20221031 
2022.10.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20220930 
2022.09.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20220831 
2022.08.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20220731 
2022.07.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20220630 
2022.06.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20220531 
2022.05.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20220430 
2022.04.01Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20220331 
2022.03.01Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20220228 
2022.02.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20220131 
2022.01.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20211231 
2021.12.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20211130 
2021.11.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20211031 
2021.10.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20210930 
2021.09.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20210831 
2021.08.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20210731 
2021.07.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20210630 
2021.06.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20210531 
2021.05.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20210430 
2021.04.01Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20210331 
2021.03.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20210228 
2021.02.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20210131 
2021.01.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20201231 
2020.12.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20201130 
2020.11.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20201031 
2020.10.05Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20200930 
2020.09.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20200831 
2020.08.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20200731 
2020.07.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20200630 
2020.06.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20200531 
2020.05.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20200430 
2020.04.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20200331 
2020.03.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20200229 
2020.02.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20200131 
2020.01.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20191231 
2019.12.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20191130 
2019.11.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20191031 
2019.10.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20190930 
2019.09.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20190831 
2019.08.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20190731 
2019.07.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20190630 
2019.06.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20190531 
2019.05.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20190430 
2019.04.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20190331 
2019.03.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20190228 
2019.02.01Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20190131 
2019.01.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20181231 
2018.12.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20181130 
2018.11.05Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20181031 
2018.10.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20180930 
2018.09.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20180831 
2018.08.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20180731 
2018.07.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20180630 
2018.06.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20180531 
2018.05.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20180430 
2018.04.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20180331 
2018.03.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20180228 
2018.02.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20180131 
2018.01.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20171231 
2017.12.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20171130 
2017.11.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20171031 
2017.10.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20170930 
2017.09.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20170831 
2017.08.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20170731 
2017.07.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20170630 
2017.06.05Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20170531 
2017.05.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20170430 
2017.04.05Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20170331 
2017.02.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20170131 
2017.03.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20170228 
2017.01.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20161231 
2016.12.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20161130 
2016.11.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20161031 
2016.10.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20160930 
2016.09.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20160831 
2016.08.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20160731 
2016.07.05Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20160630 
2016.06.01Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20160531 
2016.05.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20160430 
2016.04.01Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20160331 
2016.03.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20160229 
2016.02.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20160131 
2016.01.05Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20151231 
2015.12.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20151130 
2015.11.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20151031 
2015.10.05Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20150930 
2015.09.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20150831 
2015.08.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20150731 
2015.07.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20150630 
2015.06.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20150531 
2015.05.05Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20150430 
2015.04.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20150331 
2015.03.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20150228 
2015.02.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20150131 
2015.01.05Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20141231 
2014.12.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20141130 
2014.11.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20141031 
2014.10.06Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20140930 
2014.09.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20140831 
2014.08.05Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20140731 
2014.07.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20140630 
2014.06.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20140531 
2014.05.07Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20140430 
2014.04.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20140331 
2014.03.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20140228 
2014.02.05Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20140131 
2014.01.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20131231 
2013.12.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20131130 
2013.11.04Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20131031 
2013.10.03Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20130930 
2013.09.02Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities - 20130831